使用熱滲透計算器,可以輕鬆確定來自任何熱源(例如熱導感測器)的熱量消散到樣品中的距離。 計算感測器熱訊號的穿透率是了解測量的熱導率結果中包含多少樣品的關鍵。 對於「真正的」導熱率,熱滲透率應該被最大化。

欲計算熱量消散到樣品中所需的時間,請輸入樣品的熱擴散率或從我們的 1000 多種材料資料庫中選擇類似的材料。
穿透深度 (Penetration Depth)

Sample Thickness: | mm | ||
a = Thermal Diffusivity: | (mm 2/s) | or | |
t = Time: | seconds | or | |
D = Penetration Depth: | mm | ||
% of Sample Penetration Depth: | % |
*Note: “k” (temperature recording sensitivity constant), may vary with choice of method.
Penetration Illustration
- ISO (2008). ISO 22007-2 Plastics — Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity — Part 2: Transient plane heat source (hot disc) method.
- Faghri, A., Zhang, Y., and Howell, J. R., 2010, Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer, Global Digital Press, Columbia, MO.
- Shahi, M., Kok, J. B. W., Casado, J. C. R., and Pozarlik, A. K. 2014. Study of unsteady heat transfer as a hey parameter to characterize limit cycle of high amplitude pressure oscillations. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2014.
- Faghri, A., and Zhang, Y. (2006). Transport phenomena in multiphase systems. Academic Press.
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